Tag Archives: SEO Tips

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Online Marketing Strategist Jason Acidre

This isn’t something off the mind of a philosopher. It’s how Jason Acidre sums up what he’s learnt in the field of SEO – and life in general. Born and raised in Phillipines, Acidre started off as a content writer, got fired after two months, got a new job two days later at Doubledot and is now considered an SEO fountain of knowledge by his pen name Kaiser – the sage....
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Interview with Amazing Rand Fishkin (SEOmoz CEO)

SEO became necessity when search engines streamlined businesses and people begin to consume search results as their online buying assistant. Google became a key player and improved drastically since results manipulation started using odd techniques. But today continuous updates are affecting smaller brands on the one end while they are also encouraging to think out of the box on the other end....
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Meet your Expert Neil Patel

Today we will talk with SEO, Social Media and Branding Expert “Neil Patel” he is a co-founder of CrazyEgg and KISSmetrics and running a well know blog Quick Sprout. Neil, welcome to our blog and thank you for giving us your precious time. I would like to ask you some question for our new and upcoming SEO and Social Media Professionals. ...